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2019-2020 SEASON



Directed by: Sunny Vidrine
Written by: Kate Hamill
Adapted from Jane Austen's classic
In-School Performances: October 10th - 12th
Where: WGHS Auditorium @7PM
Tickets: $5
County Competition Date: October 22, 7PM, @WGHS
Region Competition Date: October 26th @Buford Fine Arts Center

The cast and crew of Sense and Sensibility gave such an impressive performance at the Region One-Act Competition that they were selected to perform at Georgia Thespian Conference 2020! Only 25 schools in the stage are selected!

FALL ONE-ACTS (10/10-10/12)


Description above.


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Directed By: Allison Callaway
Written by: E. Eugene Perry
Performances: 10/10-10/12 @7 & 10/12 @2
Tickets: $5

WINTER FESTIVAL (12/12-12/14)

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Double Double
Directed by: Phoenix Still
Stage Managed by: Amanda Cowan
Written by: Kathryn Funkhouser
Performance: December 12th, 6PM.
Tickets: $5

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The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon
Directed by: Carson Story
Stage Managed by: Madison Carter
Written by: Don Zolidis
Performances: December 13th, 6PM.
Tickets: $5

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At the Bottom of Lake Missoula

Written by: Ed Monk


Drama Rehab: Revenge of the Typecast Actors

Written by: D. Tupper McKnight

CLUE (1/30-2/1)


Directed by: Daniel Hawkins
Written by: Peter DePietro
1/30 @7pm, 
1/31 @7pm, 
2/1 @2pm & @7pm
Tickets: $7

The classic board game is brought to life in Clue: On Stage! Six guests are invited to a dinner party thrown by an anonymous host. They are given aliases--Colonel Mustard, Mrs. White, Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, Professor Plum, and Miss Scarlet. Though discouraged from revealing personal information, it is soon discovered that all of them have fallen victim to the same blackmailer, their very host of the evening. Each is presented with a weapon and an option: pay their extortionist double, or kill the innocent butler. What follows is a madcap, slapstick evening full of murder, mystery, and laughs as they seek to puzzle out the culprit amongst criminals.



The Improv Troupe provides an opportunity for new and returning thespians to participate in drama, especially if they are not in any shows. It is the perfect opportunity to strengthen your acting skills, meet new people, and gain some extra thespian points!

How to participate

There are no requirements to join. We will meet every Wednesday after Fall Break! Join us as often as you'd like. It's a lot of fun!


To participate in the Improv Show, you will need to attend at least 10 rehearsals ON TOP OF the tech week rehearsals (3/3-3/5)
March 6,  2019 @ 6pm
WGHS Auditorium
Free admission

SIDE SHOW (4/23-4/25)

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Directed by: Sunny Vidrine
Written by: Bill Russell
Music by: Henry Krieger
4/23 @7pm,
4/24 @7pm,
4/25 @2 & @7pm
Tickets: $10

Based on the true story of conjoined twins and famed entertainers Violet and Daisy Hilton, Side Show is a remarkable musical about acceptance, love, and embracing one’s uniqueness. As the starring act of a sideshow, helmed by an abusive ringmaster, Violet and Daisy Hilton are eager to accept an offer of fame, fortune, and potential romance proffered by Terry, a talent scout, and Buddy, a budding musician. As stars on the Orpheum Circuit, it seems that Violet and Daisy have everything they ever wanted. The one thing they lack, however, is the fulfillment of their hearts’ desires. Different as they are, when it comes to matters of the heart, Daisy and Violet have the same burning questions: “Who could proudly stand beside me? Who will love me as I am?” Nearly entirely sung-through, Side Show features soulful music, stunningly beautiful lyrics, and powerhouse show-stoppers, particularly the famous duets “Who Will Love Me as I Am” and “I Will Never Leave You.” A stunning reminder of the importance of accepting and celebrating what makes us unique, Side Show is a true story that will touch audience’s hearts.

Copyright © 2023 WGHS Green and Blackfriars - All Rights Reserved.

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